Does your child know these five basic class etiquettes?

The clichéd statement: “Respect needs to be earned” is merely a statement when it comes to respecting teachers.  Recentlya video went viral showing students of a school in the UAE, vandalizing their classrooms and throwing chairs and multimedia devices in the school. Although it did shake up the teachers and parents, it also highlighted the importance of etiquettes children should be following in classrooms.

Since teachers are about imparting knowledge and learning, it’s essential to provide them the respect that they deserve. Teachers are guides and mentors which is why it is crucial that the communication your child has with them is constructive and mutually respectful. 

The best American schools in Dubai focus on a friendly relationship between students and teachers, and the respect given to each other is mutual and significant. The collective effort to maintain a good learning environment results in a classroom atmosphere that promotes interactive learning and successful academics of children.

Basic etiquettes your child should be familiar with

Mentioned below are some basic ettiqutes that your child should be following while at school:

Maintain silence during lessons

A silent classroom may not always denote understanding among students, but it does show that students are trying to understand what's being taught to them.  A class that’s silent allows teachers to be audible for the whole class and all the students can benefit without getting the teacher to repeat themselves. 

 It's always a good idea to avoid any nonmandatory conversation with your friends in the classroom. Switching off cellphones if they've been brought to class and avoiding unnecessary questions prevents interruptions with the flow of lessons.

Take responsibility for your pursuits

Similar to the way schools and teachers are responsible for educating children, it’s essential that the students too take responsibility for their learning. Students should ensure that they understand completely what's being said and clarify any doubts that they have, before the teacher leaves the classroom.

Prepare for the class

Before your student leaves for school, make sure any homework, assignment, or project that was due  is with them, ready to be shown to the teacher.If your child is wasting too much time trying to sift through their notebooks to look for their homework, they are wasting quite a lot of the class's time which is a no-no! All their stationery items should be ready for the new day as the class commences.

Participate where required

Its one thing to stay silent during the classroom, but an interactive classroom is all about participating when needed.  A passive learner is discouraging for the classroom environment, as the teacher may never know how much the class has understood.

Students that participate or volunteer before being called over often attract positive attention of teachers and are often valued as students and active participants of the classroom.

Regularity and punctuality

It’s important to be regular in attending classes. Unless it’s critical that you take a day off.  In case you miss out or are irregular in attending your classes,  not only does it hinder the learning process but it will be a problem for the rest of your classmates.  

When you return to the classroom, you will probably be asking your teacher questions regarding what you missed.  Not only will it take the time that the teacher had planned for the new lessons, but it will also waste the time of other students in the classroom who are regular and were anticipating the new lessons.

Time management isn’t every child’s forte. Read: Effective tips to teach kids time management to learn how you can help your child manage time and benefit from this critical skill.

Take away!

A well-behaved child is often the favorite of everyone, parents, teachers, and their classmates.  And surprisingly it doesn't take much to become the apple of everyone's eye!

Teachers at the American schools in Dubai offer a friendly environment to promote and encourage learning in students. However its important that students too, contribute in the creation of an atmosphere that's conducive to learning! 

It is a joint effort when it comes to learning! Students, children and [parents, need to work together to promote a friendly learning environment. 


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