How to get your child to learn even when out of school

Are school holidays coming soon?  If you're worried about t keeping your children occupied with learning, but you want to give them a chance to enjoy too, there are numerous ways you could cater to the learner in your child but still keep the aspect of fun intact.

Learning at home doesn't have to be boring, but it is essential! Because out of school learning provides your child the connection they will need to reconnect with the teachers, classroom and school curriculum once they get back to school.

Kindergarten schools in Dubai

Kindergarten schools in Dubai provide ample opportunities for your child to learn, however,  it’s essential that your child stay connected to what they've learned to start from where they left.

  • Take them to the museum

With interactive, tactile and engrossing 3-D experience museums provide a great opportunity for students to stay connected to learning. However, make it relevant about their course. If their teachers told them about a historical character, take them to a museum that houses artifacts relevant to the individual.

Accordingto a study, visiting museums yields personal and educational benefits in children by strengthening their critical thinking skills, nurturing higher levels of tolerance, exhibiting empathy towards historical characters and history and development of a taste for history.

Although you kindergartner may be too young to understand most of the history, however, at a young age, they are able to acquire knowledge that they will be building on in future years. Your kindergartner can greatly benefit from focused exhibitions which allow children to participate in problem-solving and experiential learning. As they grow older, they can learn about history and  environment without the pressures of the school's perimeter.

  • Let them get bored

And we aren’t kidding!  Despite the excitement before the start of the holidays, children get bored as soon as the first few days are over! Gadgets and electronic devices have always been a source of instant gratification for children why they need to be removed from the child’s reach.
Removing distractions allows them the time to self-reflect, devise ways to plug their boredom and developed a strategy that entertains them well!  Set out with them to explore nature and the natural environment!

  • Get them books to read

A sense of routine and other important rituals can still be maintained, even if your child is at home. Books have a tendency to help children develop language skills and put their imagination and creativity to good use.
Accordingto a study, children who had access to books have better reading skills, than children who don’t. All the more reasons to head over to the bookstore to grab some lovely books for your kindergartener!

  • A trip to the supermarket

Kids at the supermarket may bring to your mind a vision of your child wailing in an aisle not letting you move your cart, however,  astudy about childhood learning used supermarkets as learning institutions by placing signs around the market asking questions that would invoke inquisition and curiosity and thinking skills in children.  

For example, "where does milk come from?" and what else do we get from cows?  How do groceries get from trees to the market and the likes of such? Questions like these help engage children in dialogues, with a one-third increase in conversations between parents and children and also increase communication skills in children, while away from school.

Not only do these questions keep them occupied and prevent any tantrums, but they are also an interesting way to occupy children's brains not leaving them to get bored.

  • Discuss current events

Dialogue with your child remains an essential opportunity for your child to learn and for you to teach. Topics of discussion vary with age; however, there are always relevant media events or aspects that can be discussed with your kindergartener

Take Away!

Rather casual activities can provide excellent opportunities for your child to learn, so you don't have to go out of the way to organize a learning session for your child. Although kindergarten schools in Dubai do set aside some homework for your kindergartener on vacation, however, having homework doesn't necessarily mean your child can't learn through other sources! 

 Learning is good for your child!


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