Top Five Life Skills Students Should Be Learning In Schools

What we learn in schools is going to stay with us in our practical life. This means schools need to move beyond those hypothetical examples and the quest of finding the X in Mathematics.

Agreeing to the point that it is also essential as a part of formal education, but there has to be some practical aspect of learning.

Students learn immensely from their schools and teachers are responsible for building a better citizen. But real-world does not rely on drawing parabolas.

Speaking from the personal experience of living a practical life one can confidently say that parallelogram is not going to solve the problems of time management or communication skills.

Top Four Life Skills Students Should Be Learning In Schools

Several international schools across the globe such as American schools in Dubai have started the capacity building sessions where students are taught about skills they need in practical life.
Nevertheless, there is a long way to until a change can be seen.

Thus advocating the life skills perspective here are top five life skills every student need to learn in their schools.

Speaking up about their mental health:

In the era when the technology has advanced to another level and competition has increased immensely people are more stressed.

The hectic life routine and stigmatization of mental health has cost the world several lives to suicide. There is a long list of mental health disorders such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and food disorders etc.

But the sad part is that they are under reported as students and teachers have never discussed this topic.

Teachers and schools should train students in a way that they can identify the issue and discuss with an expert instead of shying away and blaming themselves.

Managing finances:

Have you ever learned in mathematics regarding how to manage your pocket money or how to handle personal finances? Me neither!But why?
It is because no one thinks it is essential or people need to learn that. Students are in the age when they just started to manage the money. They do not know how to do it efficiently, and schools can help in that.

There is a dire need of workshops and courses on how to manage the money,  read the financial statements and handle taxes for a better life.

Time management:

Well, this is the skills many of us are still struggling with but think this way if you had some crash courses when you were young.

It would have definitely helped you be better at it. All of us underestimate the power of time management in success.

Children in schools should be able to manage their time in a way that they have study time, playing time and even their own personal time. It will keep everything align and students disciplined.

Dealing with relationships:

No one has ever thought that dealing with relationships also require training and management. Students are going to have new relationships in the form of friends, couples and family members.

They should know how to balance them and maintain them. Nothing is more heartbreaking than seeing all the toppers having a hard time in dealing with relationships.

Teachers at American schools in Dubai try to help students in this matter when they share their experiences and some tips on how to keep every relation strong and happy.

Concluding remarks:

Schools are the foundation of any students and based on the learning from their school they are going to live their life.
But there is a need to integrate life skills education in the education as that is what matters in practical life for success.

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