How to Prepare Your Child for the First Day at School

According to John Dewey, the American philosopher, “education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Doesn’t that mean the first day at school is like preparing your child for a new life?

In that new life, children start to learn new skills, they meet with new friends and experience another world – different from their small world that they made at home. 

Therefore, this time is crucial in the life of a minor. If he likes the new endeavor, he will likely to learn more and be happier. But, if he doesn’t like it, chances are he will always run away from studies and education. 

As a parent, be very careful at this stage. You should keep different things in mind to offer your complete support. 

Firstly, choose the right education system which your child can accept readily. For younger kids, for instance, opt for the best Kindergarten school Dubai based services to ensure a smooth transition. 

Professionals at the best kindergarten schools not only make learning fun but they also warmly welcome new children so that the kids can adjust in the school environment without difficulty.

Kindergarten school Dubai

Read on for more tips on preparing your kids for school’s first day.

Preparing Your Kid for School’s First Day

The first day at school is usually fun, but some kids hesitate to leave their parents on that day. If you haven’t prepared their mind before, chances are the kids may start crying and throw tantrums when they reach the classroom. Here is how you can make your kids to avoid such issues.

Involve the Minor

The best way to prepare the mind of your child is to involve him in the preparations. For instance, ask him for his choice when selecting the school, stationery, and other items for your child. 

Ask him the reason why you are making these preps for him? If he has no idea, explain to him that the shopping and other preparations are made for his school’s first day.

Create an Image

Younger brains love to imagine. They create exciting stories of heroes, fantasy creatures and feel good about it. Make school an enjoyable and loveable place for them. 

Read stories of good school children, teachers, and class fellows to your kids. Show them different videos and children movies in which the younger kids go to school happily.

Share Experiences

Ask the elder kids to share their positive school experiences with the minors. If your child has no siblings, then request his cousins and other children to tell how exciting school life is.
You can also take the child to his new school for a round. Show the beauty of the school swings, halls and classrooms. 

Doing this will give your kid a chance to see how schools are. If possible, arrange a meeting with the class teacher of the minor. A pre-meet up will help to reduce the possible hesitation and shyness of the child.

Bottom Line

The first few days of school hold great importance for children. Harry Wong says, “The most important day of a person's education is the first day of school, not Graduation Day.”

It is a time when most of the kids start taking an interest in studies – which is a good thing to get them on the track. Therefore, follow the given tips to make sure the new change in your minor’s life is positive.

Above all, don’t forget to select the best education system for him. It is because high quality schools can play a vital role in creating interest in school life for your children. 

So, if you are a parent, looking for the best education system for your baby, opt for the best Kindergarten school Dubai based services to ensure your kids adjust to the new environment happily.

Related Article:

How To Prevent First Day Tantrums By Kindergartners


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